Made in the Shade is excited to introduce Christopher Lord as the new owner of Made in the Shade in Kennett Square Pennsylvania located just outside Philadelphia. We are elated that Chris has joined the Made in the Shade family. Our entire team is looking forward to supporting him as he launches and builds his new business!
Professional background
Chris started his professional life with the U.S. Navy as an enlisted man. After college he set his sights on, and became, a Naval Aviator and served 14 years on active duty before retiring in 2011. He transitioned into civilian life as a commercial airline pilot flying for US Airways but was furloughed due to 9/11. While furloughed, he worked in the mortgage Industry until returning to flying in 2005 as an American Airlines pilot.
Tell us about your family and their interests
In addition to my love of flying, I like to golf, snowboard, hike, and travel with my family. I also enjoy cooking. My wife, Denise, is a nurse dedicated to homecare hospice. She is an angel. I have 7 children and 2 grandkids with 2 more on the way! Megan is the oldest, 37, married to Glenn with 2 kids and 1 on the way. She and her family live in Michigan. Chelsea is 32 and lives in Vermont with her husband Zach. They have a child on the way. Emily is 30, works for the VA as a research analyst and just moved to Seattle. Chris Jr., 28, just left active duty with the Navy and is working toward earning his flying licenses with the goal of being an airline pilot. Abbey, 20, is a Junior at the University of Delaware with a goal of becoming a PA. Ethan, 19, is a sophomore at James Madison University majoring in Business Finance. Caleb, 14, just started his freshman year in high school. And of course, our 2 pups, Koda and Sky, are part of the family too!
What appealed to you about the Made in the Shade opportunity?
I had been considering something like this for quite some time. About 5 years ago, I researched a competitor but did not sign with them. After doing research on Made in the Shade, learning all I could about the company and getting to know the people involved, it became apparent that Made in the Shade was the right fit for me.
What is your best MITS contact number and business email?
Ph: (586)873-5673