
Made in the Shade welcomes Ernie Dascoli, a new member of the Made in the Shade family and new owner of Made in the Shade Southern New Hampshire. Ernie’s long history of sales excellence positions him well for success and in representing the Made in the Shade brand to consumers in his region. We look forward to aiding him in his success!

Professional background

Ernie has been in sales for his entire professional career attaining a high degree of success in several different positions. For the most part, his sales career has been business-to-business, serving the packaging industry supplying both paper and plastic bags. His target customers are in the retail sector and include foodservice, local grocery retail, and responsibility for national accounts from coast to coast.


Tell us about your family and their interests

We have been blessed with three wonderful and athletic children. Our oldest daughter, Shayne, is a senior in High school and plays on the varsity soccer team. She will be playing soccer at Norwich University next year. Our middle child, Tyler, is 10 years old and he loves playing baseball and will be on a year-round club starting this year. He’s very excited about it!  He also enjoys playing soccer. Our youngest daughter, Brynn, is 7 years old. Like her brother and sister, she plays soccer and is also on the cheerleader squad. Rounding out the family are two Labradoodles, Daisy and Marley. We love to enjoy family time spending our summer weekends at our lake home in the northern NH.


What appealed to you about the Made in the Shade opportunity?

There were many reasons that I chose to become a Made in the Shade owner, but the primary attraction was that there are no royalties or minimums to spend on marketing or other ancillary fees. During the due diligence period, I contacted many current franchise owners and they had nothing but great things to say about the organization and all said their businesses were very profitable. I was ready to make a move to allow me to generate the income I want and improve my life/work balance so that I can spend more time with my family.

What is your best MITS contact number and business email?

Ph:  (603)327-4604

E-mail:  ernie@mitssnh