
Made in the Shade extends the warmest of welcomes to Kurt and Michele Deneys as the new owners of Made in the Shade Colorado Springs. Kurt and Michele bring significant entrepreneurial experience to their new business, as well as diverse skill sets that perfectly complement their partnership in the business. We are excited to have them join our family of owners and firmly believe that they will hit the ground running!

Professional background

Kurt is an electrician by trade who operated a home repair business specializing in windows, doors, roofing and siding. This experience will be of great value, especially in the installation and motorization side of the business. Michele brings substantial sales experience gained from her position as an Account Executive with Sprint.

However, the most significant advantage the Deneys’ bring to their new Made in the Shade business is the vast experience gained from owning four highly successful window fashions franchises that they operated for eleven years. Prior to moving to Colorado Springs, they sold the business to their team of employees, which included their son.

Tell us about your family and their interests

We love to travel and spend time with our three grown children and their spouses who have blessed us with five beautiful grandchildren. Our trips always include exploring the backroads through the mountains until we find the perfect spot to set up camp. We will never tire of the majesty of the mountains.

And, of course, there’s the furry children! Murf, a sheltie, and Mindy, a Bernadoodle, are always included in on the adventures. Murf is a retired therapy dog at a cancer center, and now living a great life on two acres in the Black Forrest, running and protecting Mindy and the family.

Our family has had the privilege of working together in this industry and playing together. We thoroughly enjoyed being able to do both together. Although we are now geographically separated, we thrive under the foundation of the Lord and strength of family.    

What appealed to you about the Made in the Shade opportunity?

Having owned and operated franchise businesses for eleven years, we were already believers in the model. However, while researching the options within the industry, our conversation with Cathy Morse sealed the deal that Made in the Shade was the right choice.  We had an instant connection with her and we both feel like it was divine intervention.

What is your best MITS contact number and business email?

Ph:  (719)922-0409
E-mail:  office