
We are ecstatic to welcome JC Majors to the family of Made in the Shade owners. JC is well accustomed to owning, and managing his own businesses. His operational and sales experience, drive to succeed and outgoing personality will serve him well!

JC Majors is the owner of Made in the Shade Waco-Temple

Professional background

JC has a very diverse professional background that started with providing hotshot shipping and logistics. He also owned First Class Consulting that focused on performance improvement on sales, business growth, and project development for tech companies as well as small businesses.

He currently owns and operates a record label that develops shows, events, and connects artists to entertainment opportunities, studios, producers, and other artists. His record label has resulted in working with over 500 major and local artists and produced more than 250 concerts and events.

What hobbies/interests do you enjoy doing in your free time?

JC loves to travel, spend time with his dogs, and go out on the lake or in a pool with family and friends. He is also an avid collector of mugs, shot glasses, and cigars. Whenever he gets the opportunity, he enjoys grilling or smoking on his Pit Boss, taste testing new bourbons, or trying out different breweries.

Tell us about your family and their interests. 

His parents, Chuck and Joan Majors, are amazing inspirations to him. His father is a retired world-renowned Dentist of 40 years, and retired from practice due to loss of Cartilage in his hands. He now helps others by providing disability insurance for professionals.

JC Majore with his family

His mother is a best-selling author of 4 books and a professional speaker who has been on stages all over the world. She is an accredited CSP and part of the NSA, an industry leader on dental implants, business coach and is the founder and CEO of The Soft Skills Institute.

JC has 3 older sisters who are amazing in everything they do. Kelli is the eldest. She and her husband Matt have 3 boys and have owned a highly successful Made in the Shade franchise for 13 years.

Katy is his middle sister who is married to tech entrepreneur Joe Williamson. They have 2 boys and 2 girls who love being by the pool, hanging out at Urban Air, and anything they can do together as a family.

His youngest sister, Stacy, is married to an expert trapeze artist, a gemstone hunter, and rotisserie master. They both organize concert events. His sister handles all the operations, and his brother-in-law handles barricades, stage setup, and equipment.

Jax is a Black Lab

Louie is a Bernedoodle puppy

JC’s family is completed by his furry children. Louie is his Bernedoodle puppy and Jax is his Black Lab. They do as much together as they possibly can!

What appealed to you about the Made in the Shade opportunity? 

Since my sister and brother-in-law have owned a Made in the Shade for 13 years, I decided to take a break from consulting to explore the opportunity more deeply. I was quickly drawn to the design aspect of the business and the ability to help others transform their space in a way they’ve never seen before. After spending 6-months working with them learning the business, I decided I wanted to be a part of the Made in the Shade family.