Made in the Shade Blinds and More proudly welcomes our newest franchisees to the MITS family! We just graduated our October 2016 training class and welcomed a fabulous group of talented, highly motivated and ambitious entrepreneurs. It was a memorable week of wonderful group interaction and new friendships formed.
We are most excited to add 4 brand new states to our U.S. coverage: Utah, Oregon, Iowa and South Dakota. Congratulations to our newest Made in the Shade franchisees:
- Robert “Bubba” Morris – St. George, Utah
- David DeLeon – Sioux City, Iowa and Sioux Falls, South Dakota
- Joshua Vandevender – Medford, Oregon
- Carmel Beaudoin – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Michael Stewart – Kelwona, British Columbia, Canada (a seasoned veteran in the industry who did not attend this training. However, Michael realized the value of belonging to an established brand and we are excited to have him on board!)
Expert Vendor Trainers
Our amazing class also enjoyed some expert vendor trainers who traveled from across the U.S. to educate us on their top-of-the-line, brand-name product lines. Some of the latest innovations in the industry were presented quite impressively! One of our newest franchisees commented that “he thought we only sold mini blinds!” Boy, was he ever surprised (and perhaps a bit overwhelmed) by our extensive and impressive collections. After all, anything you can imagine that can be put on a window, we’ve got you covered! Whether it’s our collections of blinds, shades, shutters, or draperies, we carry window treatments for every application, taste, and budget. We even offer specialty products that set us apart and add that creative finishing touch which is sure to impress every time! Do you want your new window coverings motorized? No problem! We offer the latest in technology for added safety, convenience, and function.
Among our featured guest trainers was a fan favorite, Kori Ashton, our online marketing team captain and self-professed SEO nerd! She presented some techniques to market our newly designed websites, along with effective ways to market with social media. Our new team was motivated to partake in this social media revolution and to stay current in our digitized world of marketing.
What a wonderful week with an over-the-top, amazing group of new MITS franchisees! We are pumped and excited to journey with them as they successfully build their new window covering businesses. We extend our most sincere congratulations to each of them.